Seamus Heaney, Jeanette Winterston and others discuss the life and work of T.S. Eliot.

Erwin Schrödinger reviews the history of philosophy and science in considering “do electrons think?”

Gary Radke speaks on art history and seeing beyond first impressions.

Bertrand Russell’s interview with the BBC, at the age of 86.

Einstein meets Tagore, 1930.

The physicist and the philosopher discuss the nature of truth and reality.

Carl Jung speaks to John Freeman in his later life, on matters of life and death.

Jung discusses science, philosophy, and the importance of psychological self-knowledge. “If you think along the lines of nature, then you think properly.”

John Steinbeck receives the Nobel Prize for Literature, 1962

The author eloquently expresses the power of literature, and the power of science.

Louis Kahn and Architecture

How Louis Kahn was inspired by classical, medieval, and Renaissance architecture in high school and afterwards.

Wittgenstein as Philosopher and Religious Thinker

Glenn Gould in the Soviet Union

Old Man Scrooge in A Christmas Carol (1910)

Barney Fife’s History Lesson