Humanities and technological languages: how the questions the humanities raise apply themselves to the realm of computing technology. From the article:

Quantum computing, [Kristin] Peterson contends, opens up a whole new economy. In order to get ready for that world, workers need critical thinking, analytical ability, reasoning, and writing. For her part, Peterson relies on metaphors to connect what exists today with the glimmers of potential that AI has in health care, education, and other industries.

Another thing that helps her construct explanations for new technologies is the fact that she, like [Emma] Williams, not only studied a different language in school, but “lived in a different language” while she resided in France. Communicating in a non-native language–even when your command of that language is good–often requires some mental gymnastics to translate some of the more complicated concepts in your head into a somewhat more limited vocabulary. It works the same way when “translating” complicated AI concepts. 

h/t AAC&U