Speaking of science: do the sciences have an image problem? From the article:

Views on higher education are becoming increasingly hostile among certain Americans, and scientists say some of the blame rests with them. They aren’t apologizing for their work, but for their failure to promote public understanding of it….

“In particular, I think universities and colleges have to step up in ways that scientists have also not stepped up, just really [to] communicate,” said Eric Isaacs, vice president for research, innovation and national laboratories at the University of Chicago. “I think we have not done a great job,” he said. “I think we’ve sort of assumed, at the universities, that people understood what we’re doing….”

“I think scientists have tended to roll their eyes when people say, ‘I don’t believe it,’ rather than roll up their sleeves,” [Denis] Wirtz [vice provost of research at Johns Hopkins University] said. “[But now] I see faculty come to my office, come to our federal relations office, asking, ‘How do I communicate to Congress, how do I communicate to people?’ There is a sea change.”

h/t AAC&U