Can the humanities meet their moment? New strategies for outreach and integration. From the article:

We recently hosted a two-part webinar entitled Making the Case for Studying the Humanities in a Time of Crisis. For more than a year now, we’ve been researching the field of undergraduate humanities recruitment, identifying compelling initiatives, effective strategies, and leaders in the field. We gathered six of those leaders—three deans followed by three humanities center directors—to discuss how the pandemic, severely strained budgets, and the national reckoning with racial injustice are changing the context in which they work to attract more students to the humanities.

Our first discussion, “The View from the Dean’s Office,” focused on how deans representing a range of institutions are adapting the strategies they’ve honed to speak to the moment….

Our second virtual event, “The Role of the Humanities Center,” continued the discussion about strategies for signaling the professional, social, and personal utility of a humanities education in the current context, while delving into the particular structures, programs, and strategies humanities centers can leverage to further this work….

An overarching theme of these discussions: while the humanities community faces considerable challenges along with the rest of higher education, this pivotal moment of cultural and economic upheaval has also created openings to demonstrate the enduring value of the humanities anew.

h/t Rob Townsend (@rbthisted)