The worth of graduate degrees in humanities: a new report assesses the US field. From the report:

The findings include a few surprises: 1) while most of the attention in the disciplines seems to focus on PhDs, the field conferred almost five times as many master’s as doctoral degrees in recent years; 2) even so, the number of master’s degrees conferred annually in the humanities has been in decline over the past several years and their share of all master’s and professional degrees reached a historic low in 2020; 3) the number of humanities PhDs awarded each year was at a near-record high in 2020, but as a share of all doctoral degrees, they fell to a historic low; 4) while the academic job market for humanities PhDs has been depressed since 2008, there is no evidence that this is due to the substitution of adjunct for tenure-track positions; and 5) regardless of where they end up—either in academia or out—the large majority of graduate degree recipients in the humanities are satisfied with their jobs, despite earnings that are considerably lower than those of their counterparts from other fields.



Job Satisfaction Among Graduate Decree Holders, by field and level of highest degree, 2019

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H/t Rob Townsend (@rbthisted)