
29 05, 2016

The virtues (and folly) of science and scholarship

By |2016-11-02T11:52:12-04:00May 29th, 2016|2016, Academia, Europe, Everything Else, Libraries, Literature, May, Philosophy, Quotes, science|0 Comments

The virtues (and folly) of science and scholarship: learning merits its laurels, but to what ends, if life (and self-knowledge) is neglected? “Envy, curiosity, and a sense of the imperfection of our present state, incline us to estimate the advantages which are in the possession of others above their real value. Every one must have remarked, [...]

26 05, 2016

Transhumanism: what does the future hold? (Washington Post)

By |2016-05-26T08:33:56-04:00May 26th, 2016|2016, Debate / dialogue, Everything Else, History, Literature, May, News, Philosophy, science, STEM, Technology|0 Comments

Transhumanism: what does the future hold? The Washington Post hosts a series of commentaries on the value and validity, the promise and peril, of transhumanism, with its promise to "transcend the human condition." So do we need the "transhumanities"? Or develop the next variant of digital humanities? From the introductory statement: Transhumanism, in its most extreme [...]

23 05, 2016

The problems a poet would solve

By |2016-05-22T11:12:43-04:00May 23rd, 2016|2016, Everything Else, History, May, poetry, Politics, Quotes|0 Comments

The problems a poet would solve. How does a poet respond to life's problems, in politics and otherwise? W.B. Yeats records one lyrical response to Thomas Mann. ‘In our time the destiny of man presents its meanings in political terms.’  Thomas Mann How can I, that girl standing there, My attention fix On Roman or on [...]

21 05, 2016

Can the humanities provide the skills that employers find missing? (Karsten Strauss, Forbes)

By |2016-05-21T07:33:18-04:00May 21st, 2016|2016, Academia, Employment, Everything Else, May, News, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Can the humanities provide the skills that employers find missing? A survey of employers shows that college graduates lack both the "hard" and "soft" skills they are seeking, from writing to problem solving. From the article. Among ‘hard skills’ – unambiguous proficiencies useful on the job – managers said new grads were most lacking in [...]

18 05, 2016

Free speech and the humanities (Camille Paglia, The Smart Set)

By |2016-11-02T11:52:12-04:00May 18th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Everything Else, History, Literature, May, News, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Free speech and the humanities: do the humanities foster, or inhibit, freedom of expression? The author decries the "identity politics" and "improper advocacy" among the humanities, which undermine open, rigorous inquiry. From the article: The problem of political correctness is intensified by the increasing fixation of humanities and even history departments on “presentism,” that is, a preoccupation [...]

15 05, 2016

An encounter with Renaissance art, and its consequences

By |2016-11-02T11:52:12-04:00May 15th, 2016|2016, Arts, Europe, Everything Else, History, Literature, May, Quotes|0 Comments

An encounter with Renaissance art, and its consequence: Boris Pasternak reflects on culture and individual genius. The chief thing that everyone carries away from an encounter with Italian art is the sensation of the tangible unity of our culture, whatever he may have seen this in, and whatever name he may give it. How much [...]

13 05, 2016

Happy graduation, humanities students!

By |2019-05-22T19:05:46-04:00May 13th, 2016|2016, Academia, Everything Else, History, Language, Literature, May, News, Philosophy, Religion|0 Comments

Happy graduation, humanities students! "Better a few good scholars than many indifferent ones." You embody the meaning of George Washington's mandate to James McHenry, to paraphrase: it is infinitely better to have a few good scholars, than many indifferent ones. For the number of humanities majors has now decreased to the lowest level in a [...]

11 05, 2016

Science, religion, and truth

By |2016-11-02T11:52:12-04:00May 11th, 2016|2016, Asia, Debate / dialogue, Europe, Everything Else, May, Quotes, Religion, science|0 Comments

Science, religion, and truth: Rabindranath Tagore speaking with Albert Einstein, Berlin 1930: Truth, which is one with the universal being, must be essentially human; otherwise, whatever we individuals realize as true, never can be called truth. At least, the truth which is described as scientific and which only can be reached through the process of logic—in [...]

9 05, 2016

Valuing liberal arts in the age of STEM (Steven Lindner, NY Daily News)

By |2016-05-09T11:23:54-04:00May 9th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Economics, Employment, Everything Else, May, News, STEM, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

How liberal arts can be, despite conventional thinking, the pathway to economic success. From the article: Employers' demand for professionals with a liberal arts background might actually be greater than generally perceived, largely because their broader scope of knowledge and skills learned can differentiate themselves from the pool of candidates.

4 05, 2016

Triumph of the Advocates

By |2016-11-02T11:52:13-04:00May 4th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Economics, Everything Else, History, Language, Literature, May, Observations, science, STEM, Writing|0 Comments

Triumph of the Advocates: a vision for this world, or the next. Lapidus. Hey you, Lepus! What are you doing there, sitting around? Are you stargazing? Lepus. Lapidus, what’s wrong? You look distressed. Lapidus. I’m tired, that is all. Perhaps that is the reason for my distress. I just dreamt the most amazing dream, a [...]

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