Debate / dialogue

4 05, 2016

Triumph of the Advocates

By |2016-11-02T11:52:13-04:00May 4th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Economics, Everything Else, History, Language, Literature, May, Observations, science, STEM, Writing|0 Comments

Triumph of the Advocates: a vision for this world, or the next. Lapidus. Hey you, Lepus! What are you doing there, sitting around? Are you stargazing? Lepus. Lapidus, what’s wrong? You look distressed. Lapidus. I’m tired, that is all. Perhaps that is the reason for my distress. I just dreamt the most amazing dream, a [...]

3 05, 2016

Beyond Op-Eds: New Ways of Advocating the Humanities (W. Robert Connor, Inside Higher Ed)

By |2016-05-03T19:20:41-04:00May 3rd, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Employment, Everything Else, May, News, Philosophy|0 Comments

Beyond Op-Eds: New Ways of Advocating the Humanities: the former director of the National Humanities Center discusses ways to get teachers, and students, more involved in explaining how and why the humanities are important. From the article: "...what is most needed right now: not making the case but developing richer and more meaningful ways of [...]

27 04, 2016

The master economy and student majors (Jeffrey Dorfman, Forbes)

By |2016-04-27T19:24:19-04:00April 27th, 2016|2016, Academia, April, Debate / dialogue, Economics, Employment, Everything Else, Language, News, STEM|0 Comments

The master economy and student majors: should states grant incentives to students to select a particular course of study? Dorfman says no: The logic behind such proposals is that state funding should be concentrated on where it provides the highest return on investment, so humanities and other majors perceived as leading to low-paying jobs don’t [...]

20 04, 2016

Critical reason and the life of the unconscious

By |2021-01-27T20:18:41-05:00April 20th, 2016|2016, April, Debate / dialogue, Europe, Everything Else, Language, Medicine, Philosophy, psychology, Quotes|0 Comments

Critical reason and the life of the unconscious: at what expense to our lives do we refine our reason, especially when it comes to understanding crucial matters of life and death? A man should be able to say he has done his best to form a conception of life after death, or to create some [...]

13 04, 2016

Scholars bulldozing history (George Will, Washington Post)

By |2016-11-02T11:52:13-04:00April 13th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, History, News, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Scholars bulldozing history. How Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study will demolish an important site of the American Revolution: the Battle of Princeton. From the article: In today’s academia there are many scholars against scholarship, including historians hostile to history — postmodernists who think the past is merely a social construct reflecting the present’s preoccupations, or [...]

3 04, 2016

Judgments about the arts: mind what you put in!

By |2016-11-02T11:52:14-04:00April 3rd, 2016|2016, April, Arts, Debate / dialogue, Europe, Everything Else, History, Literature, Quotes, Theater, Writing|0 Comments

Judgments about the arts: mind what you put in! Ben Jonson tells his audience how much they may assess what they see, depending on their means: It is further agreed that every person here have his or their free-will of censure, to like or dislike at their own charge, the playwright having now departed with [...]

30 03, 2016

Gambling on the meaning of nothing

By |2016-03-30T08:47:55-04:00March 30th, 2016|2016, Debate / dialogue, Europe, Everything Else, Language, March, Philosophy, Quotes|0 Comments

Gambling on the meaning of nothing: how much do we really understand one another, even as friends? Minaccio, a witty man and a gambler, once lost his cash and his coat, too, playing at dice (he was truly poor), and sat weeping at the doorway of the tavern. A friend saw him distraught and in [...]

28 03, 2016

How humanities teach us the art of life (Arnold Weinstein, New York Times)

By |2016-03-28T08:08:20-04:00March 28th, 2016|2016, Academia, Arts, Debate / dialogue, Everything Else, Journalism, Literature, March, News, Philosophy|0 Comments

How the humanities teach us the art of life. A professor of literature asks about life's greater meaning, which the humanities may provide. According to the author, "The humanities interrogate us. They challenge our sense of who we are, even of who our brothers and sisters might be."    

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