How the calendar runs our lives. The time of science in the season of love
Do we need a calendar for the season of love?
Do we need a calendar for the season of love?
The liberal arts include the sciences, and the sciences make use of the approaches the humanities bring to observation and inquiry. The author writes: The idea that STEM is something separate and different than the liberal arts is damaging to both the sciences and their sister disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The value of a liberal [...]
The ways engineering, in order to succeed, requires training in the humanities (for example, Russian literature) and vice versa!
The President of the New York Institute of Technology explains why the humanities are vital for scientific and medical inquiry.
Thus the reason why certain intuitive minds are not mathematical is that they are quite unable to apply themselves to the principles of mathematics, but the reason why mathematicians are not intuitive is that they cannot see what is in front of them: for, being accustomed to the clearcut, obvious principles of mathematics and to [...]
What can’t be replaced in any organization imaginable in the future is precisely what seems overlooked today: liberal arts skills, such as creativity, empathy, listening, and vision. These skills, not digital or technological ones, will hold the keys to a company’s future success.
In fact, the separation between the scientists and non-scientists is much less bridgeable among the young than it was even thirty years ago. Thirty years ago the cultures had long ceased to speak to each other: but at least they managed a kind of frozen smile across the gulf. Now the politeness has gone, and [...]
Computer scientists advocate a liberal education for the future, flexing their epistemological, ontological and ethical muscles on concepts of artificial intelligence.
A call for integrative therapy, including the liberal arts
Humanities skills offer a multifaceted and adaptable toolbox for navigating career shifts and changing workforce demands.