
22 03, 2017

“Philosophia vitae magistra”: philosophy is the teacher of life

By |2017-03-21T13:56:46-04:00March 22nd, 2017|Academia, Europe, Everything Else, History, Italy, Literature, Philosophy, Quotes|0 Comments

"Philosophia vitae magistra": philosophy is the teacher of life Who is unaware that human life without the liberal arts is not only destitute and empty, but indeed far inferior and worse to that of many animals? When I then turn my attention to philosophy itself, how many times have I heard from you that it in [...]

28 09, 2016

The pen is mightier than the (key)board, says technology (Microsoft News Center)

By |2016-09-28T07:52:49-04:00September 28th, 2016|2016, Debate / dialogue, Europe, Everything Else, History, Italy, News, science, September, Writing|0 Comments

In an recent study, Norwegian researchers funded by Microsoft discovered that using a pen stimulated more cerebral activity than typing on a computer. Drawing words makes the brain more prone to learning. From the article: Inspired by previous studies that suggested long-hand notetaking using a pen deepens the mind’s ability to retain and process information, van der [...]

8 03, 2016

Why read the classics

By |2016-11-02T11:52:14-04:00March 8th, 2016|2016, Academia, Arts, Europe, Everything Else, Italy, Literature, March, Quotes, Writing|0 Comments

Why read the classics: Italo Calvino (1923-1985) explains the nature of a classical literary composition, which has various means of speaking to us throughout the different times of our lives. If the books have remained the same (even though they too change in light of a different historical perspective), we ourselves have certainly changed, and the encounter [...]

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