
2 01, 2017

The Greatest of New Years

By |2017-01-07T12:18:13-05:00January 2nd, 2017|2017, Academia, Debate / dialogue, education, Europe, Everything Else, History, January, Language, Literature, mathematics, Observations, Philosophy, science, STEM, Technology|0 Comments

The Greatest of New Years: that our age of science is also the age of the humanities, from our St. Petersburg correspondent, 1 January 2017 “S nastupivishim!”: “Happy upcoming New Year!” So the new year begins here, ahead of yours, and we have been enjoying the sparkling lights in the Nevsky Prospekt. There are fewer tourists [...]

26 12, 2016

Daydreaming and neuroscience (Alison Gopnik, Wall Street Journal)

By |2016-12-26T08:04:27-05:00December 26th, 2016|2016, Everything Else, News, psychology, science, STEM, Technology, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Daydreaming and neuroscience: how brain imaging may track the creative process fostered by the wandering mind. From the article: Dr. Christoff and colleagues suggest that creative thought involves a special interaction between these control systems and mind-wandering. In this activity, the control system holds a particular problem in mind but permits the brain to wander [...]

23 12, 2016

Do the humanities provide nothing?

By |2016-12-23T08:31:09-05:00December 23rd, 2016|2016, Asia, December, Everything Else, Literature, Philosophy, poetry, Quotes, Religion, science, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Do the humanities provide nothing? And if so, does this "nothingness" reveal more than does science or other fields of knowledge? The Yellow Emperor went wandering To the north of the Red Water To the Kwan Lun mountain. He looked around Over the edge of the world. On the way home He lost his night-colored pearl. [...]

13 12, 2016

The breath of memory: the science of our historical lives (ScienceDaily)

By |2016-12-13T06:59:57-05:00December 13th, 2016|2016, Academia, December, Everything Else, History, News, science, STEM, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

The breath of memory: the science of our historical lives. How we breathe, and when we breathe, affects the way we recognize and recall what lies before us. A new study has wide implications for our reading and understanding the world's many forms of expression. From the study:  The rhythm of breathing creates electrical activity in the [...]

11 12, 2016

Learning, language, and moral character

By |2016-12-11T08:07:29-05:00December 11th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, December, education, Europe, Everything Else, Language, Literature, Philosophy, Quotes, science|0 Comments

Learning, language, and moral character: to what degree does education, in humanities or the sciences, influence our moral progress? Their own weakness, however, is not the only factor which can make students of philosophy waver and double back. The earnest advice of friends and the mocking, bantering attacks of critics can also, on their occurrence, [...]

5 12, 2016

Science and the music of history

By |2016-12-15T07:22:37-05:00December 5th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, December, Everything Else, History, Language, Observations, Philosophy, science, STEM, Technology, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Science and the music of history: is this a new age of knowledge? A scientist and an historian discuss the value of the past, and the promise of the future. Scientist: Hey there, Scrupulus, what have you been up to this morning? Historian: Oh hello, Speculus. Just listening to music. Scientist: I like to do that, [...]

20 11, 2016

Nursery rhymes and brain development (Pallab Ghosh, BBC)

By |2016-11-19T07:37:27-05:00November 20th, 2016|2016, Debate / dialogue, education, Europe, Everything Else, health, Language, News, November, science, STEM, Technology|0 Comments

Nursery rhymes and brain development: "baby talk" of parents brings children in sync with their brain waves, helping them learn. From the article: The early indications are that when the brain waves of mothers and babies are out of sync, the babies learn less well. But when the two sets of brainwaves are in tune [...]

15 11, 2016

The human difference? (David Robson, BBC)

By |2016-11-14T17:55:47-05:00November 15th, 2016|2016, Debate / dialogue, Europe, Everything Else, History, Journalism, Language, News, November, psychology, science|0 Comments

The human difference? Perhaps the humanities: fluid language and historical sensibility. From the article: The first astonishing fact is that we can speak at all, of course. No matter what you’ve been thinking and feeling throughout the day, you will be able to find words to express the experience and describe it to those around [...]

13 11, 2016

Technology’s cost, humanity’s price

By |2016-11-17T10:43:32-05:00November 13th, 2016|2016, Debate / dialogue, Europe, History, Language, November, Philosophy, poetry, Politics, Quotes, science, STEM, Technology|0 Comments

Technology's cost, humanity's price: whether we understand the ways technology asserts its influence even over our most basic self-understanding Modern science and the total state, as necessary consequences of the nature of technology, are also its attendants. The same holds true of the means and forms that are set up for the organization of public [...]

10 11, 2016

The same wavelength: how language stimulates our minds in similar ways (Ushma Patel, News at Princeton)

By |2016-11-09T18:24:40-05:00November 10th, 2016|2016, Academia, Everything Else, Language, News, November, science|0 Comments

The same wavelength: how language stimulates the brains of speakers and listeners in similar ways. Prof. Uri Hasson of Princeton, a philosophy undergraduate major, studies the complexity of understanding with imagination and magnetic resonance imaging. From the article: On average, the listener's brain responses mirrored the speaker's brain responses with some time delays. The delays [...]

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