News articles and commentary on the place of the humanities in the modern world.
2203, 2020
Life at a distance (Christopher Mims, Wall Street Journal)
Living apart with the internet weighs on our emotional health.
1503, 2020
Narrating the crisis of disease (Maria Giulia Marini,
Different forms of narrative in the face of medical crisis.
303, 2020
The humanities’ peril and promise (Thelonious Georz, The Daily)
In the face the peril, the humanities promise change for the better.
2802, 2020
The long history of the humanities crisis (David Sessions, The New Republic)
How business and technocracy shaped the humanities crisis for many years.
1902, 2020
The language of depression (Medicina Narrativa)
How language reflects depression or other states of mental health.
1702, 2020
Finding science in stories, stories in science (Beyond Conflict)
Creating stories that teach about the science of healing.
1302, 2020
Don’t call me (Markowitz, Hancock, Bailenson, and Reeves: PLoS One)
Being alone with a silent phone may help mental focus.
502, 2020
Digital and print, reconsidered (Steven Johnson, Washington Post)
The ways digital and print reading influence how we think and feel.
202, 2020
Writing the world’s end (Peter Cunningham, YaleNews)
How apocalyptic literature treats the world's end through climate change.
2801, 2020
No history needed, nor languages (University of Sunderland, UK)
To find your career, you needn't learn history or modern languages.