News articles and commentary on the place of the humanities in the modern world.
2610, 2019
Humanities should take a back seat to tech (Jacob Wolinsky, ValueWalk)
An argument for tech's ascendence and the humanities' demise.
2210, 2019
Tell me a story about money (Heather Long, Washington Post)
The dismal science of economics is brightened by narrative.
1610, 2019
On the efforts to preserve knowledge (Sarah Laskow, Atlas Obscura)
An itinerary into libraries' collected knowledge, preserved from the past.
1510, 2019
Night at the museums (Humanities Indicators)
Falling attendance at museums may indicate a lagging interest in humanities.
1310, 2019
Medical AI meets the mind (Tessa S. Cook, Lancet Digital Health)
Outlining the need for better assessment of AI in medical diagnosis.
910, 2019
Reviewing the case for the humanities (Lee Trepanier, VoegelinView)
Arguments old and new for the case for the humanities
3009, 2019
The humanities of design thinking (J. Nesteruk and J. W. Martin, Inside Higher Ed)
Cutting-edge approaches in design thinking are enriched by the humanities.
2709, 2019
History’s new meaning (R.A. Hailu and M.C. McCafferty, Harvard Crimson)
Shaping history at Harvard in new senses.
2409, 2019
Profit from poetry (David Deming, New York Times)
The humanities earnings increase over time, matching with STEM salaries.
1809, 2019
The human pitch (Carmine Gallo, Forbes)
Knowing the human dimension in your business pitch often leads to success.