News articles and commentary on the place of the humanities in the modern world.
Entertaining diversity with great books (Andrew Delbanco, Wall Street Journal)
How the humanities can foster diversity by discussing great books.
Roman legacy (Heritage Daily – Archaeology News)
Roman legacy: the seaside science of ancient concrete. From the article: Around A.D. 79, Roman author Pliny the Elder wrote in his Naturalis historia that concrete structures in harbors, exposed to the constant assault of [...]
Cancer in medieval Britain (University of Cambridge)
New research with scans suggests a higher incidence of cancer in medieval Britain.
The genome’s philosophical turn (David Cox, BBC Future)
New debate over the degree that genetics shape our choices.
The plague of loneliness (Vivek H. Murthy, Surgeon General of the United States)
Whither / wither the humanities in our social isolation?
The humanities’ advantage (Higher Education Policy Institute)
A new report argues for renewed support for the humanities in Britain.
Chatbot, chatbot, on the wall (Salk News)
The chatbot reflects the personality of the questioner.
Slowing the roll of AI (Future of Life Institute)
A request for a thoughtful pause in AI progression.
Human intelligence and AI (Yuval Harari, Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin, New York Times)
How heedlessly promoting AI threatens human language and culture.
Does the Madonna need AI? (Kelly Crow, Wall Street Journal)
Using AI technology to determine the artist of a Renaissance painting.