Culture compared to civilization
Culture as a feature of progress; civilization as its form.
Culture as a feature of progress; civilization as its form.
How thinking with complexity adds to our cultural (and political) understanding.
When language is lost, we are also diminished.
Humanities in the Age of Big Data: an historian tries to unravel the consequences for ourselves and our way of life. Dataism is a new ethical system that says, yes, humans were special and important because up until now they were the most sophisticated data processing system in the universe, but this is no longer [...]
How the humanities may lead us to greater self-knowledge, beyond the demands of the market place.
The highest mode of life: a proposal from 2500 years ago, relevant today in all dimensions. If on the other hand I tell you that to let no day pass without discussing goodness [aretês] and all the other subjects about which you hear me talking and examining both myself and others is really the very [...]
What do the humanities have to say? And who should listen? A note from Mary Beard, at year's end: They have just issued on the website a top 24 of Cambridge research stories this year. On my reckoning, 19 of those are pure science.... You’d think from looking at this roster that none of the work that [...]
The "third culture" integrating science and humanities: employing a term developed by C.P. Snow and John Brockman, an Italian astronomer reflects on the creative way forward: Emotion therefore is common to science and art, humanistic and scientific culture. Emotion is conveyed through language. Emotion and language (be it literary, artistic or scientific) are the links [...]
Heralding the creative economy: Andrew Chitty leads the effort in the UK. The Arts and Humanities Research Council strengthens the fundamental ties between business and the humanities with its new Creative Economy Champion. From the press release: The main focus will be on enhancing and extending the AHRC’s reach in the creative economy, emphasising the importance [...]
George Orwell: A Life in Pictures An insightful docudrama using Orwell's words and re-creating episodes from his life.