Narrative medicine and compassionate care: the greater story ( Sarah Barber, Carlos J. Moreno-Leguizamon, Medical Humanities)
Healthcare practitioners may read a patient's narrative in more than the medical literature.
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Healthcare practitioners may read a patient's narrative in more than the medical literature.
That the pandemic should usher in a deepening interest in medical humanities.
How Chaucer's pilgrims enact the walking cure in springtime crisis, in line with Chinese medicine.
How medicine and literature combine to lend care a richer meaning.
How the current shape of healthcare can learn much from investigating Renaissance perspectives on the human condition, and the manner in which humanists describe this condition.
How Renaissance thinkers understood dialogue as narrative medicine.
Bedside manners and narrative medicine, late-19th-C.
Using humanities and narrative medicine to foster a profounder rapport in healthcare.
A writing program to offer insight and solace to the cares of physicians.
A new program at FIU medical school integrates arts and humanities.