Talking of humanities (Thilini Prasadika, Scattered Speculations)
A podcast aims to explore the range of humanities, in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.
A podcast aims to explore the range of humanities, in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.
A old fable that speaks to our busy lives here and now.
Why Renaissance models of creative breadth are needed today.
The Rijksmuseum takes a copy of Rembrandt's masterpiece to visit nursing homes.
Revisiting the last days of Raphael, with new clues about his death.
Applying the humanities to questions created by the coronavirus crisis.
Announcing SHAPE, a coalition of humanities, arts, and social sciences, in complementarity with STEM
Why science needs to heed the humanities during the coronavirus.
Humanities departments appear to maintain stability in degrees and faculty in this latest survey.
How Chaucer's pilgrims enact the walking cure in springtime crisis, in line with Chinese medicine.