Out from the ashes (Reed Albergotti, Semafor)
A step in unravelling a 2000-year-old mystery though AI.
A step in unravelling a 2000-year-old mystery though AI.
How AI abets authenticating a Raphael masterpiece.
Archaeology and science meet art in understanding Renaissance iconography.
How hyperspectral cameras allow new secrets in old paintings to surface.
An interview with Rishi Jaitly of VT's Institute for Leadership in Technology.
Science broadens our understanding of global influences in the late Renaissance.
A writing program to offer insight and solace to the cares of physicians.
How the arts help us think and create.
Finding flatbread in the buried city.
Roman legacy: the seaside science of ancient concrete. From the article: Around A.D. 79, Roman author Pliny the Elder wrote in his Naturalis historia that concrete structures in harbors, exposed to the constant assault of the saltwater wave, become "a single stone mass, impregnable to the waves and every day stronger." He wasn’t exaggerating. While [...]