News articles and commentary on the place of the humanities in the modern world.
“Engineering before engineers” (Alex Abrams, Wake Forest University)
Appreciating the historical roots of engineering in Renaissance ingenuity.
Language, environment, and healing (Maria Giulia Marini,
Using philosophy to understand the ways that language and environment enhance healing.
A.G.I. meets the brain (Cade Metz, New York Times)
Training AI to re-create human intelligence.
The decline of reading (Humanities Indicators)
The time spent reading for pleasure declines across all groups.
Girls choosing humanities (Thomas Breda and Clotilde Napp, PNAS)
How higher reading skills may lead girls to choose humanities study, despite their excellence in math.
This is your brain on the internet (Firth et al., World Psychiatry)
Going online can bring the mind offline.
Re-weighing the task of AI ethics (Deborah Todd, Forbes)
Adjusting the oversight of the ethics of AI.
Follow the money: what college students wish they had done differently (Catey Hill, MarketWatch)
College students pay attention to the costs and benefits of their majors, including humanities.
Artificial intelligence, artificial consciousness? (Prashanth Ramakrishna, NY Times)
Do we need to upgrade ourselves to keep pace with artificial intelligence?
Funding new ways to study the ethics of AI (Benjamin Stupples and Heather Perlberg, Bloomberg)
The largest donation since the Renaissance gives Oxford new funding to examine AI ethics, involving the humanities and other disciplines.