Search results for: science humanities

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15 01, 2017

Mocking the humanities (George Will, Pittsburgh Tribune)

By |2017-01-14T14:22:20-05:00January 15th, 2017|2017, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Everything Else, January, Language, Literature, News, Philosophy, science, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Mocking the humanities: a pundit recounts how a scientist used parody -- a classic literary mode of expression -- to mock  academic practices in the humanities. From the commentary: Alan Sokal's point ... was that intellectual inquiry in the humanities often is not open. The humanities, he today tells The Chronicle, had become a “subculture” [...]

9 01, 2017

What do the humanities have to say? And who should listen?

By |2017-01-09T10:39:09-05:00January 9th, 2017|2017, Academia, Debate / dialogue, education, Europe, History, January, Language, Literature, News, science, STEM|0 Comments

What do the humanities have to say? And who should listen? A note from Mary Beard, at year's end: They have just issued on the website a top 24 of Cambridge research stories this year. On my reckoning, 19 of those are pure science.... You’d think from looking at this roster that none of the work that [...]

23 12, 2016

Do the humanities provide nothing?

By |2016-12-23T08:31:09-05:00December 23rd, 2016|2016, Asia, December, Everything Else, Literature, Philosophy, poetry, Quotes, Religion, science, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Do the humanities provide nothing? And if so, does this "nothingness" reveal more than does science or other fields of knowledge? The Yellow Emperor went wandering To the north of the Red Water To the Kwan Lun mountain. He looked around Over the edge of the world. On the way home He lost his night-colored pearl. [...]

5 12, 2016

Science and the music of history

By |2016-12-15T07:22:37-05:00December 5th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, December, Everything Else, History, Language, Observations, Philosophy, science, STEM, Technology, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Science and the music of history: is this a new age of knowledge? A scientist and an historian discuss the value of the past, and the promise of the future. Scientist: Hey there, Scrupulus, what have you been up to this morning? Historian: Oh hello, Speculus. Just listening to music. Scientist: I like to do that, [...]

26 10, 2016

Alexander Grass Humanities Institute, Johns Hopkins University

By |2016-11-30T13:00:42-05:00October 26th, 2016|Foundations, Recommendations|0 Comments

The Alexander Grass Humanities Institute is a focal point for the 10 world-renowned humanities departments at Johns Hopkins, other dynamic departments in the humanistic social sciences, and related centers and programs. The institute sponsors scholarly meetings, public events, visiting scholars, and student fellowships and research projects.

26 10, 2016

STEM requires the humanities to grow (Scientific American)

By |2016-11-02T16:15:35-04:00October 26th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Economics, education, Employment, Everything Else, Journalism, Literature, News, October, Politics, science, STEM, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

STEM requires the humanities to grow: why learning classics along with coding is the best way forward. From the editorial: Promoting science and technology education to the exclusion of the humanities may seem like a good idea, but it is deeply misguided. Scientific American has always been an ardent supporter of teaching STEM: science, technology, engineering and [...]

2 08, 2016

The humanities bring home the (Canadian) bacon (Nikki Wiart, Maclean’s)

By |2016-09-04T23:48:10-04:00August 2nd, 2016|2016, Academia, August, Economics, education, Employment, Everything Else, News, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

The humanities bring home the bacon: a Canadian study looks at the earnings power of humanities and liberal arts graduates. From the article: [Ross Finnie, Director of Ottawa's Education Policy Research Initiative] says more research can help pinpoint the soft skills and figure out how post-secondary institutions can help develop them. “If we identify those skills, we can [...]

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