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22 01, 2017

Humanities aid the growth of STEM (Neil Kobitz, Chronicle for Higher Education)

By |2017-03-08T22:45:54-05:00January 22nd, 2017|2017, Academia, Debate / dialogue, education, Everything Else, History, January, Language, Literature, mathematics, News, Politics, science, STEM, U.S. / Canada, Writing|0 Comments

Humanities aid the growth of STEM: a mathematics professor calculates their value, an important formula...when others are now estimating the worth of the NEH as close to zero. From the editorial: ... [F]or STEM majors, as much as for other future professionals, a broad background in the humanities is likely to give them a tremendous advantage in [...]

2 01, 2017

The Greatest of New Years

By |2017-01-07T12:18:13-05:00January 2nd, 2017|2017, Academia, Debate / dialogue, education, Europe, Everything Else, History, January, Language, Literature, mathematics, Observations, Philosophy, science, STEM, Technology|0 Comments

The Greatest of New Years: that our age of science is also the age of the humanities, from our St. Petersburg correspondent, 1 January 2017 “S nastupivishim!”: “Happy upcoming New Year!” So the new year begins here, ahead of yours, and we have been enjoying the sparkling lights in the Nevsky Prospekt. There are fewer tourists [...]

7 08, 2016

A letter about writing

By |2023-04-28T17:09:43-04:00August 7th, 2016|2016, Academia, Arts, August, Debate / dialogue, Europe, Everything Else, Journalism, Language, Libraries, Literature, Observations|0 Comments

A letter about writing: a correspondent argues against the mania for writing Editor’s note: The following letter, printed below in its entirety, was written in response to an earlier post, Against Reading. The editorial staff does not typically sanction the placement of readers’ letters in the monthly Observations, yet found that the author’s candor [...]

16 07, 2016

How can we reintegrate knowledge in a simple and useful way? (Charles Eames)

By |2016-09-13T21:38:22-04:00July 16th, 2016|2016, Academia, Arts, education, Everything Else, July, Language, Literature, News, science|0 Comments

How can we reintegrate knowledge in a simple and useful way? Forty years ago, a leading designer reflects on the challenges created by divisions in higher education. From the article: Unfortunately, universities today are becoming discontinuity headquarters, with each department avoiding communication with the others and with the rest of the world. Used as it [...]

10 11, 2015

STEM talks

By |2016-11-02T11:52:46-04:00November 10th, 2015|2015, Academia, Articles, Debate / dialogue, Economics, Everything Else, History, Language, November, Observations, STEM, Technology|0 Comments

Grundlos: Watch out, you almost ran me over! Where are you rushing off to? Magnus: I'm off to give a talk and I'm in a hurry. Grundlos: What is the talk about? You're not very dressed up. Magnus: Look, that's not necessary. It's about the meaning of STEM. Grundlos: What is STEM? Magnus: Don't you [...]

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