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1 11, 2016

On Politics and Poetry: a dialogue between a poet and a politician

By |2016-11-06T11:07:34-05:00November 1st, 2016|2016, Arts, Debate / dialogue, Economics, education, Everything Else, History, Journalism, Language, Literature, November, Observations, Philosophy, poetry, U.S. / Canada, Writing|0 Comments

On Politics and Poetry: a dialogue between a poet and a politician Politician: What’s going on, poet? Are you able to scrabble together a living? Poet: Rich enough, I suppose, though it’s hard to earn my bread. What about you: still hungry for attention? Politician: That’s rich, coming from you! I have the best interests of [...]

18 09, 2016

Civilization’s tricky situation

By |2016-11-02T11:52:05-04:00September 18th, 2016|2016, Europe, Everything Else, History, Philosophy, Politics, psychology, Quotes, Religion, September, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Civilization's tricky situation: as we enter the autumnal season, the shadow self would be heard, as the gateway to introspection. Here history and imagination are in play. The so-called civilized man has forgotten the trickster. He remembers him only figuratively and metaphorically, when, irritated by his own ineptitude, he speaks of fate playing tricks on him [...]

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