(Frank Bruni, New York Times)
Forgetting history and humanities for the sake of perceived modernity: a new memorial of the present times.
Forgetting history and humanities for the sake of perceived modernity: a new memorial of the present times.
Universities and centers of learning can help realize the potential of natural talent.
Scientific thought is the way forward in order to transcend ideology and overcome bias.
A new grant at Duke aims at innovating how the humanities are taught and understood.
How scholars diminish themselves by denigrating others unjustly.
The humanities receive uplift at Duke University from Mellon funding.
The ways philosophy offers rich knowledge for work in finance and government.
We pride ourselves on sacrifice that serves in reality ourselves and those we allow to manage our lives.
A claim that the costs of the humanities outweigh their benefits for doctors.
How we may value goods without fully knowing their price.