What universities can do: spirited Latin thoughts from the great English lexicographer.

The gifts conferred by Nature are developed by the University;
the Muse allows the mind to shine by its own qualities;
similarly Earth provides the statue’s material – marble;
but the stony image receives the breath of life thanks to the hand of Phidias.

[Adjecere Bonae etc.

Quas Natura dedit dotes, Academia promit,
Dat menti propriis Musa nitere bonis.
Materiam statuae sic praebet marmora Tellus,
Saxea Phidiaca spirat imago manu.]

Samuel Johnson, The Latin Poems, ed. and trans. N. Rudd, inspired by the lines of Horace:

And then of course I went on to Athens to study
Eagerly under those Academic trees
The nature of truth and how to tell crooked from straight.

[adiecere bonae paulo plus artis Athenae,
scilicet ut vellem curvo dinoscere rectum
atque inter silvas Academi quaerere verum.]

Horace, Epistles 2.2.43-45, trans. D. Ferry

See here for other posts by Johnson