
8 12, 2016

Papillon Enterprise: Creativity with a Conscience

By |2017-04-27T17:44:09-04:00December 8th, 2016|2016, business, Central / South America, December, Economics, education, Employment, Everything Else, Fashion, health, Other Sites, People, Recommendations|0 Comments

"Papillon Enterprise is a socially & ecologically conscious business with a mission of stimulating the Haitian economy by exporting and marketing Haitian artisan goods. We are creating jobs for mothers & fathers who don’t want to have to abandon their children to an orphanage because they can’t feed them." h/t Rick Love [...]

20 11, 2016

Nursery rhymes and brain development (Pallab Ghosh, BBC)

By |2016-11-19T07:37:27-05:00November 20th, 2016|2016, Debate / dialogue, education, Europe, Everything Else, health, Language, News, November, science, STEM, Technology|0 Comments

Nursery rhymes and brain development: "baby talk" of parents brings children in sync with their brain waves, helping them learn. From the article: The early indications are that when the brain waves of mothers and babies are out of sync, the babies learn less well. But when the two sets of brainwaves are in tune [...]

11 10, 2016

On science and the humanities, of and in the world

By |2016-11-02T11:52:03-04:00October 11th, 2016|2016, Academia, Arts, Debate / dialogue, Everything Else, History, Language, Literature, October, psychology, Quotes, science, STEM, U.S. / Canada, Writing|0 Comments

On science and the humanities, of and in the world: how closely related are the investigations of the sciences and the humanities? They may begin at a common origin, but they diverge and specialize with different aims in mind where world making is concerned. Science attempts to make a world that remains invariant across human [...]

5 10, 2016

Is education useless?

By |2019-12-10T07:58:22-05:00October 5th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, education, Employment, Everything Else, Language, Literature, Observations, October, Philosophy, science, Technology, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Education is useless (or rather: is education useless?): a neighborly discussion about what’s worth learning, and where one should learn what's needed -- or useful -- for life. Crimpet: Hello, neighbor. Crumpet: Why are you so happy, Crimpet? You look like you won the office pool. Crimpet: Nothing as wonderful as that. But I’m glad to [...]

28 09, 2016

The pen is mightier than the (key)board, says technology (Microsoft News Center)

By |2016-09-28T07:52:49-04:00September 28th, 2016|2016, Debate / dialogue, Europe, Everything Else, History, Italy, News, science, September, Writing|0 Comments

In an recent study, Norwegian researchers funded by Microsoft discovered that using a pen stimulated more cerebral activity than typing on a computer. Drawing words makes the brain more prone to learning. From the article: Inspired by previous studies that suggested long-hand notetaking using a pen deepens the mind’s ability to retain and process information, van der [...]

14 09, 2016

The costs of learning

By |2016-09-18T14:09:15-04:00September 14th, 2016|2016, Academia, Arts, Debate / dialogue, Economics, education, Employment, Europe, Everything Else, Libraries, Quotes, September, Writing|0 Comments

The costs of learning: prudent parents have thought of better investments than financing the studies of their children I am thinking of something I heard in Bologna, where I was a student, from a certain honorable citizen, the father of a legal scholar, who told me more than once that there was nothing he regretted as much [...]

12 09, 2016

No literature allowed (Steven Pearlstein, Washington Post)

By |2016-09-12T05:45:30-04:00September 12th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Economics, Employment, Everything Else, News, September, STEM, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

No literature allowed: parents see little need for their children to receive a broad university education, as its ROI seems negligible. From the article: For me, there’s nothing more depressing than meeting incoming freshmen at Mason who have declared themselves as accounting majors. They’re 18 years old, they haven’t had a chance to take a course in [...]

6 09, 2016

What was Shakespeare thinking? (Scott L. Newstock, Chronicle of Higher Education)

By |2016-09-06T14:55:43-04:00September 6th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Everything Else, Language, Literature, News, poetry, September, Theater, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

What was Shakespeare thinking (and why does it matter)? The ways that old, even ancient, methods of learning can produce original results. From the article: You take it for granted that Olympic athletes and professional musicians must practice relentlessly to perfect their craft. Why should you expect the craft of thought to require anything less [...]

30 08, 2016

Sifting through and sifting out: ways employers are testing the college degree (Ryan Craig, EdSurge)

By |2016-08-29T20:12:43-04:00August 30th, 2016|2016, Academia, August, Economics, education, Employment, Everything Else, News, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Sifting through and sifting out: ways employers are testing the college degree. Do employers (and students) expect too much from university education, or too little? From the article: According to the Gallup-Lumina survey, only 11 percent of employers think graduating students have the skills that their businesses need. It’s not as though degree holders are only falling [...]

26 08, 2016

The arts of medicine

By |2016-08-26T09:21:19-04:00August 26th, 2016|2016, Academia, August, Everything Else, Medicine, News, science, STEM|0 Comments

The arts of medicine: for those in the healing field, knowing their patients requires more than the natural sciences. From the article: "[T]oday’s medical curriculum teaches new doctors about culture and communication. It is no longer good enough – and probably never was – for a doctor to simply know the appropriate medication to prescribe or diagnostic test [...]

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