
2 08, 2016

The humanities bring home the (Canadian) bacon (Nikki Wiart, Maclean’s)

By |2016-09-04T23:48:10-04:00August 2nd, 2016|2016, Academia, August, Economics, education, Employment, Everything Else, News, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

The humanities bring home the bacon: a Canadian study looks at the earnings power of humanities and liberal arts graduates. From the article: [Ross Finnie, Director of Ottawa's Education Policy Research Initiative] says more research can help pinpoint the soft skills and figure out how post-secondary institutions can help develop them. “If we identify those skills, we can [...]

29 07, 2016

Business people need the liberal arts (Yoni Applebaum, The Atlantic)

By |2016-09-04T23:49:17-04:00July 29th, 2016|2016, Academia, education, Employment, Everything Else, History, July, News, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Business people need the liberal arts: why more than specialization is required to succeed in business when you're really trying. From the article: Businesses want workers who have “the ability to think, the ability to write, the ability to understand the cultural or historical context of whatever business decision they’re making,” added Rachel Reiser, assistant [...]

2 07, 2016

Liberal arts needed in the tech world (David Kalt, Wall Street Journal)

By |2016-11-02T11:52:10-04:00July 2nd, 2016|2016, education, Employment, Everything Else, July, Language, News, Philosophy, Technology, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Liberal arts needed in the tech world: why having a facility for languages, of all sorts, enhances the richness of software development. From the editorial: Most liberal arts degrees encourage a well-rounded curriculum that can give students exposure to programming alongside the humanities. Philosophy, literature, art, history and language give students a thorough understanding of how [...]

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