liberal arts

11 06, 2016

Freedom of thought in twelfth-century Paris

By |2016-11-02T11:52:11-04:00June 11th, 2016|2016, Academia, Everything Else, History, Literature, Philosophy, Quotes, science, Writing|0 Comments

Freedom of thought in twelfth-century Paris: how Latin learning (and love) left us a legacy of creative inquiry A good man asked the doctors of [twelfth-century] Paris if it were better to learn what one did not know or to apply what one knew, and when they approved the second, concluded upon them that they [...]

9 05, 2016

Valuing liberal arts in the age of STEM (Steven Lindner, NY Daily News)

By |2016-05-09T11:23:54-04:00May 9th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Economics, Employment, Everything Else, May, News, STEM, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

How liberal arts can be, despite conventional thinking, the pathway to economic success. From the article: Employers' demand for professionals with a liberal arts background might actually be greater than generally perceived, largely because their broader scope of knowledge and skills learned can differentiate themselves from the pool of candidates.

23 03, 2016

In Canada, the liberal arts are still relevant (iPolitics)

By |2016-03-23T08:53:15-04:00March 23rd, 2016|2016, Debate / dialogue, Economics, Employment, Everything Else, History, March, News, STEM, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

In Canada, the liberal arts are still relevant, for their relationship with STEM fields fosters innovation and enterprise. From the post: A March 2016 report from The Business Council of Canada surveyed 90 Canadian employers who said when hiring entry-level employees, skills in teamwork, communication, problem-solving and collaboration were more sought-after than technical expertise. (with thanks to [...]

17 03, 2016

Better scientists with liberal arts (Loretta Jackson-Hayes, Washington Post)

By |2016-03-17T17:37:38-04:00March 17th, 2016|2016, Academia, Everything Else, March, News, STEM, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

We become better scientists, the more we value the liberal arts. The author recounts how the liberal arts "unlocked" for her the true value of education, and her students in turn became more adroit at their science and their ability to communicate their ideas to others. She writes: Our culture has drawn an artificial line between art [...]

8 03, 2016

Obsessing about STEM (Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post)

By |2016-03-06T15:46:58-05:00March 8th, 2016|2016, Academia, Arts, Debate / dialogue, Employment, Europe, Everything Else, History, Language, Medicine, News, Philosophy, Politics, science, STEM, Technology, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

Obsessing about STEM: America seems entranced by STEM education, at the expense of our future, which requires more agile ways of thinkings that the humanities and liberal arts provide. "The United States has led the world in economic dynamism, innovation and entrepreneurship thanks to exactly the kind of teaching we are now told to defenestrate. A [...]

6 03, 2016

The Clarion Call for STEM (New York Times)

By |2016-11-02T11:52:14-04:00March 6th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Economics, Employment, Everything Else, Language, March, News, Philosophy, Politics, STEM, Technology|0 Comments

The clarion call for STEM: state legislatures and politicians -- from both parties -- stress education in the sciences, rather than in the humanities and arts: taxpayers should subsidize, the argument goes, those courses of study most likely to produce better taxpayers. "When it comes to dividing the pot of money devoted to higher education, [...]

27 02, 2016

Math and science are liberal arts (Cecilia Gaposchkin, The Conversation)

By |2016-11-02T11:52:15-04:00February 27th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Employment, Everything Else, February, News, Philosophy, STEM, Technology, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

The liberal arts include the sciences, and the sciences make use of the approaches the humanities bring to observation and inquiry.  The author writes: The idea that STEM is something separate and different than the liberal arts is damaging to both the sciences and their sister disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The value of a liberal [...]

3 02, 2016

Digital companies require liberal arts majors (Harvard Business Review)

By |2016-09-13T23:53:12-04:00February 3rd, 2016|2016, Academia, Employment, News, STEM, Technology, U.S. / Canada|0 Comments

What can’t be replaced in any organization imaginable in the future is precisely what seems overlooked today: liberal arts skills, such as creativity, empathy, listening, and vision. These skills, not digital or technological ones, will hold the keys to a company’s future success. 

25 01, 2016

The Two Cultures of Scientists and Non-Scientists

By |2016-11-02T11:52:15-04:00January 25th, 2016|2016, Academia, Debate / dialogue, Employment, Europe, Everything Else, January, Quotes, STEM|0 Comments

In fact, the separation between the scientists and non-scientists is much less bridgeable among the young than it was even thirty years ago. Thirty years ago the cultures had long ceased to speak to each other: but at least they managed a kind of frozen smile across the gulf. Now the politeness has gone, and [...]

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