Bilingual benefits for children: a comprehensive overview and how to attain them. From the article: 

Bilingualism will benefit your baby in the future. Here are some of the ways it will help them:

  • An Appreciation For Other Cultures: When a child learns another language, it opens up another world to them. They learn more than just words, they learn about a whole class of people and their customs. That can be invaluable for the rest of their lives.
  • They Learn The World Is A Big And Diverse Place: It can be easy for children to feel like the whole world is their neighborhood or their towns. Learning a foreign language forces them to think of themselves as a global citizen.
  • Mental Strength: Your child should experience a boost in their brain function no matter which age they begin to learn a second language. According to some research, speaking a second language can lead to better concentration and even greater intelligence.
  • Landing That Dream Job: Speaking more than one language can make your child a more attractive candidate when they start looking for work someday.
  • Feeling More Comfortable Traveling: You never know what travel opportunities may come up for your child in the future. Many colleges offer programs in which students study abroad.
  • It Helps Improve Memory And May Delay Dementia: Some studies have shown that additional languages can improve the memories of both adults and children. Other studies have shown a correlation between learning another language and delayed dementia, although that link hasn’t been conclusively verified. Still, if you have a family history of dementia, it wouldn’t hurt to learn that second language along with your child.

For another study on the bilingual child, see here