The art of living with chronic illness: an online photographic exhibition with global reach. From the site:

The project exhibition and live event will be run by Dr Donna McCormack(University of Surrey) and Dr Ingrid Young (University of Edinburgh).

Donna has lived with chronic illness from a young age, but in recent years this experience has come to impact on daily life in many unexpected and often unwanted ways. She took to the practice of photography with old film cameras in 2015, with a specific interest in how we capture how we move through the world without speaking of illness….

Ingrid is the primary carer for someone living with multiple chronic illnesses. She has an interest in queer photography, and the intersections of queer with chronic illness. She is also a medical sociologist with a background in history and an active interest in arts-based methods.

The exhibition will be part of the Being Human Festival this November, the annual UK festival for the humanities.